Home of the Blackhawks
Fennville High School Athletics
Final Forms
2022-2023 FinalForms Registration Instructions
Registration for the 2022-2023 academic year is open now!
New Parent Registration Instructions:
Your student must be registered with the district and be assigned a student number and student email address before you may register them on FinalForms. The student number is issued automatically once you have provided enough documentation to the school and Central Office gets it entered for enrollment.
Using the link above, parents new to FinalForms should click on NEW ACCOUNT as seen below. Enter the required information. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide. Click on the link in the email to activate your Parent Account and create a password.
Once logged into your Parent account, click on the box, as seen below, to switch to the 2022-2023 registration year. DO NOT complete any information without switching to the 2022/2023 year first. This box will be visible until July 10, 2022, after which the 2022-2023 registration year will be the default.
From here, NEW parents should complete the following steps:
- +Register Student – Fill out basic information about your student. You will need your student’s FHS email address, ending in @fennville.org, in order to register them on FinalForms. Once you complete this step on FinalForms, your student will be registered as a student athlete for Fennville on FinalForms. You will be able to view them under My Students. Complete the remaining steps for your student to be eligible to participate.
- +Add Sports – For each student athlete, parents must select all sports that their child is considering trying out for or participating in. Student athletes will not be allowed to try out/participate until they are registered under that sport for each student athlete. This must be completed prior to completing or updating any forms for that athlete. Otherwise, certain required forms may not be available to complete
- Update Forms- Carefully read through all forms and complete all required fields. Some forms may contain links to important documents. Pleas read through all linked materials before signing each form. A parent signature is required on all forms. Student signatures are also required on select forms. Information for creating a Student Account can be found below.
- Pre Participation Exam – All student athletes are required to obtain a pre-participation physical exam performed by a medical provider (MD, DO, NP, PA) on or after April 15, 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year.
- To print the PPE form from the FinalForms before your physical exam: click on +PPE Medical next to their student’s name on the Parent Account page, as seen below. This form should be taken with the student to their PPE performed at their primary care office, or provider of choice.
- The completed form can be uploaded directly into your student’s FinalForms account. It will be reviewed by the Athletic Office and turned “green” if it is acceptable. If you are unable to upload, you may turn in completed physical forms to the Athletic Office (Athletic Trainer, Athletic Director, or Athletic Secretary) prior to first day of tryouts/practice for the student to be eligible to participate
- To print the PPE form from the FinalForms before your physical exam: click on +PPE Medical next to their student’s name on the Parent Account page, as seen below. This form should be taken with the student to their PPE performed at their primary care office, or provider of choice.
- Concussion Vital Sign Testing – For the 2022-2023 school year, the AT will be proctoring all baseline tests and conducting testing sessions with the students. Going forward, baseline tests will be completed remotely at home. Baseline testing must be completed before a student can participate in any sport activities, just like a Physical.
Returning Parent Registration Instructions
Parents returning to FinalForms froms a previous year should use their same login to access their Parent Account. From your Parent Account click on the box, as pictured below, to switch to the 2022-2023 registration year. DO NOT complete any information without switching to the 2022/2023 year first. This box will be visible until July 10, 2022, after which the 2022-2023 registration year will be the default.
From here, returning parents should complete the following steps:
- +Add Student – Any students who will be in grades 6-12 during the 2022-2023 academic year and intend to play a school sport should appear under My Students on your Parent Account if they have been registered before. If a student does not appear, parents will need to add them and complete the corresponding student information and forms. Remember that you will need your student’s FHS email, ending in @fennville.org, to register them.
- +Add Sports – For each student athlete, parents must select all sports that their child is considering trying out for or participating in. Student athletes will not be allowed to try out/participate until they are registered under that sport for each student athlete. This must be completed prior to completing or updating any forms for that athlete. Otherwise, certain required forms may not be available to complete
- Update Forms – Carefully read through all forms and complete or update all required fields. Some forms may contain links to important documents. Please read through all linked materials before signing each form. A parent signature is required on all forms. Student signatures are also required on select forms. Information for creating a Student Account can be found below.
- Pre Participation Exam – All student athletes are required to obtain a pre-participation physical exam performed by a medical provider (MD, DO, NP, PA) on or after April 15, 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year.
- To print the PPE form from the FinalForms before your physical exam: click on +PPE Medical next to their student’s name on the Parent Account page, as seen below. This form should be taken with the student to their PPE performed at their primary care office, or provider of choice.
- The completed form can be uploaded directly into your student’s FinalForms account. It will be reviewed by the Athletic Office and turned “green” if it is acceptable. If you are unable to upload, you may turn in completed physical forms to the Athletic Office (Athletic Trainer, Athletic Director, or Athletic Secretary) prior to first day of tryouts/practice for the student to be eligible to participate
- To print the PPE form from the FinalForms before your physical exam: click on +PPE Medical next to their student’s name on the Parent Account page, as seen below. This form should be taken with the student to their PPE performed at their primary care office, or provider of choice.
- Concussion Vital Sign Testing – For the 2022-2023 school year, the AT will be proctoring all baseline tests and conducting testing sessions with the students. Going forward, baseline tests will be completed remotely at home. Baseline testing must be completed before a student can participate in any sport activities, just like a Physical.
Instructions for New Students:
Once a parent registers a new student on FinalForms, a confirmation email will be sent to their student FHS email address. Click on the link in the email to activate the account and create a password, then complete the following steps:
- Sign Forms – When you log in to your Student Account, you will be navigated directly to the forms you are required to sign as a student. Read carefully through each form, including any linked materials, such as the Student/Parent Handbook, prior to signing the bottom of each form.
- Physical Exam – All student athletes are required to obtain a physical exam performed by a medical provider on or after April 15, 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year. Once all forms have been completed and signed by the parent and student, upload your completed form to your FinalForms account or turn in the completed form to the Athletic Office (Athletic Trainer, Athletic Director, Athletic Secretary) prior to the first day of tryouts/practice in order to be eligible.
- Concussion Vital Signs testing – All student athletes are required to have a current CVS baseline test prior to participating in a school sponsored sport. Current baseline tests are those taken within the last two academic years (typically completed before a student’s 9th and 11th grade years). For the 2022-2023 academic year, the athletic trainer is conducting testing sessions for all students since this is a new process. This process will change next year to normalize the two year validity schedule of the test.
Instructions for Returning Students
All returning students will need to log in to their previously created Student Account, using their FHS email address. Once logged into your student account, complete the following steps:
- Sign Forms – When you log in to your Student Account, you will be navigated directly to the forms you are required to sign as a student. Read carefully through each form including any linked materials, such as the Student/Parent Handbook, prior to signing the bottom of each form.
- Physical Exam – All student athletes are required to obtain a physical exam performed by a medical provider on or after April 15, 2022 for the 2022-2023 academic year. Once all forms have been completed and signed by the parent and student, upload your completed form to your FinalForms account or turn in the completed form to the Athletic Office (Athletic Trainer, Athletic Director, Athletic Secretary) prior to the first day of tryouts/practice in order to be eligible.
- Concussion Vital Signs testing – All student athletes are required to have a current CVS baseline test prior to participating in a school sponsored sport. Current baseline tests are those taken within the last two academic years (typically completed before a student’s 9th and 11th grade years). For the 2022-2023 academic year, the athletic trainer is conducting testing sessions for all students since this is a new process. This process will change next year to normalize the two year validity schedule of the test.